Sunday, November 24, 2013

Turn Disappointment to Thanksgiving

Your setback may actually be a wonderful new appointment or plan for your life, namely, God's plan.

By Norman Vincent Peale

Disappointment is a prevailing and common adversary of the human spirit and may strike you almost anytime. Therefore one should learn to deal with it. Four verses can be of great help in so doing. “Therefore, do not throw away your confidence, which has a great reward” (Hebrews 10:35). When disappointment strikes, simply hold tight to your confidence. Do not petulantly toss it away. Instead, affirm. I am confident. I believe.
It will require some mental and spiritual effort to maintain confidence. Your tendency may be, in desperation, to toss it. So focus your mind by an act of will on confidence. The promise of the text is that such practice will bring great reward. “Bless the Lord, O my soul and forget not all his benefit” (Psalm 103:2).

The practice of thanksgiving is a great viewpoint changer. Add up all the benefits you possess. This wise verse tells you to start thanking the Lord for all the benefits He has given you, instead of mentally, and perhaps vocally, harping on what you glumly believe has been denied you... Be content with what you have; for he has said, “I will never fail you nor forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5). The word contentment derives from two Latin words, con and tenere, meaning to hold together.

When you have faith in God, your mind will hold together so efficiently that you can always recover from a disappointment. Thus you can be content and, out of contentment, great things can happen. “We know that in everything God works for good with those who love him, who are called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28).
When disappointed, try loving God all the more. Carefully analyze yourself to make certain you are thinking and living in harmony with His spiritual purpose. It could be that you are off the spiritual beam. Instead of dwelling upon the word disappointment, think of it as “Hisappointment.”

What you regard as a disappointment may actually be a wonderful new appointment or plan for your life, namely, His plan. Always take a positive view toward disappointment. It could be that through disappointment you are being shown another way or being led toward something different. If you have tried sincerely and prayerfully, and things have not gone well, then look upon disappointment as an opportunity to ask whether you should move under God’s guidance in another direction.

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